Tuesday, July 24, 2007

They took them alive

"Vivos los llevaron, vivos los queremos" (alive they took them, alive we want them) is a documentary about political dissappearances in 1970´s Monterrey. Mrs. Rosario Ibarra de Piedra (second from right in the photo) is one of the leading activists claiming the return of their sons and loved ones.

Cecilia Serna (last one on the right in the photo) directed the film which is now participating in the VISION SOCIAL section of the Festival. Vision Social (Social Vision) is a section dedicated to films that explores issues relevant to the filmmakers community. It is non competitive because of the nature of the films, which can be shorts, medium length or features, documentary, fiction or a mix of both. The aim is to highlight the positive uses of the medium to better societies and the world. Film (and film festivals) has a responsability to the community, and VisiĆ³n Social is an effort to acknowledge it.

"Vivos los llevaron, vivos los queremos" will be playing at MMCinemas Tec, theater 4 on August 17th.

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